By Mr.Usama
A person who was made by USA it-self in Soviet Union War, a person who supposed to be leader of AL-QAEDA.a person who supposed to be responsible of 9.11....who is usama? When did he die?years ago OR ,today EITHER he still alive?0r was he never born? why Americans hate usama just for 9/11 than think about AFGHANISTAN what US Army did there killing under 10 years old childerns just for enjoyment & taking HEAD of a dead body as Monumental...According to US media he killed in CIA Operation on 1st May 2011 and his dead body is thrown in Sea with in few hours.. How is that possible? How could US trust few Army 0fficers that they killed him??? Why they didnt bring his dead body in US? & shown the world,As USA did with SADDAM HUSSAIN...
I belive this is all just non.sence...there is no clear evidence that he is is just a drama:
*To improve status of US army bcoz US Army Failed in both Fields.
*Making a Escape Way from AFGHANISTAN by saying that we achived our Goal
*0r may be Obama start his Election Campaign
.Who did 9/11? Usama? Or jews? Why all jews were absent from World Trade Center on the Day of 9/11...why to believe fake videos of BBC and CNN? Its a mystery a big mystery...a vilian of the world that never exist...according to media UBL has been killed for times before aswell and today His 5th DEAD.,Tell me what is the evidence that there is a person exist with named Usama-Bin-Ladin.
THIS IS MY QUESTION TO THE WORLD.......................!!
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